FAQ RIMLS PhD program (2024)

FAQ RIMLS PhD program


Below you will find some frequently asked questions. If your question is not covered please contact rimls.graduateschool@radboudumc.nl

  • How can I check if I am registered at the RIMLS Graduate School?

    You are registered at the RIMLS Graduate School if you have received the mail with information for new PhD candidates and/or received the invitation for the Peer-to-peer talk.

  • Why is it important for me to complete a Training & Supervision Plan (TSP)?

    The Training & Supervision Plan (TSP) is an important tool for you to monitor your progress throughout your PhD. It clearly states who you supervisors are, your mentor as well as other important information such as goals to be achieved each year. The TSP is an integral part of your annual appraisal discussions with your supervisor(s) and should be updated on a yearly basis.

    Where can I find the latest forms?

    You should always use the latest version of the TSP forms. They can be found on the download page of the PhD program website.

    Do I need to update my TSP every year?

    Yes. Within 8 weeks from the start date of your contract you should submit a completed registration form in Hora Est PhD.Annually you should complete a Progress Form.

    When should I complete the Exit Form?

    The Exit Form should be completed at the end of your PhD period at the time of submission of your thesis to the manuscript committee or immediately upon premature termination of your project.

    I have decided to stop my PhD what should I do?

    Please inform the RIMLS Graduate School of your decision.

  • Why is it important for me to have a mentor?

    Every RIMLS PhDcandidate is assigned a mentor. Throughout the entire program, the mentor will stimulate you to explore your abilities and develop general research competencies, including reflection, work organization and mid and long-term planning. In the event of problems or disputes the mentor can be approached as an independent mediator.

    How do I get a mentor?

    At the start of your PhD a mentor will be assigned.A mentor should not be working in the same project or department as your supervisor.

    How often should I contact my mentor?

    You should meet with your mentor within 8 weeks of the start date of your contract and once per year thereafter. It is your responsibility to arrange a yearly meeting with the mentor. In case of problems you should contact your mentor immediately.

    My mentor doesn't respond to my emails. What should I do?

    You should contact the RIMLS Graduate School. A new mentor will be assigned for you.

  • If there are changes concerning promotors and/or co-promotors, Marloes de Jonge can adapt this in Hora Est.

  • Why is the peer-to-peer welcome meeting necessary?

    PhD candidate members of the PhD committee will meet you in a small group of fellow PhD candidates that have just started to provide background information about the RIMLS PhD program and other PhD related affairs. It is a great way to meet some of your colleagues and get handy tips for success!

    What is the difference between theRadboudumc introduction meeting and the peer-to-peer welcome?

    The Radboudumc introduction meeting is ageneral Radboudumc introduction and provides more general information regarding topics such as the goals, structure and organization of Radboudumc. The peer-to-peer welcome is specific for the RIMLS, and focuses more on the RIMLS PhD program. As both introductions are complementary, you should follow both.

  • What is the RIMLS Course "In thelead"and is it compulsory?

    The RIMLS course "In the lead" is a day and a half introduction course to RIMLS. The course is compulsory.

    What does the RIMLScourse "In the lead"cost?

    The RIMLS course "In the lead" is completely free.

  • How can I log in in Hora Est PhD?

    Please check our user manual for PhD candidates or the manual for supervisors, promotors and mentors.

    What is Hora Est and is it compulsory to complete?

    It is mandatory for all PhD candidates of the Radboud University (Medical Center), which includes the RIMLS, to register in Hora Est. Hora Est is a database that can monitor the progress of every PhD candidate from the beginning till the end of his/her PhD project.

    The Hora Est form must be signed by yourself and your supervisor and sent together with your copydiploma to:

    Postbus Hora Est
    624 Concernstaf Strategieontwikkeling


    Radboudumc / Postbus Hora Est
    624 Concernstaf Strategie
    P.O. Box 9101
    6500 HB Nijmegen
    The Netherlands

    You do not have to get the signature from the Dean - this will be arranged by us once we have received your application.

    Who can I ask for help completing Hora Est

    More aboutHora Est can be found in the time-line for new PhD candidates. If this doesn't help you can send an email to horaest@radboudumc.nl or phone 92499.

    More information: link.

  • If you do not have a Master's degree, you have to mention this in Hora Est. In that case you have to indicate which promotor supports your PhD project. Your promotor receives a request to substantiate the application.

  • 30 EC points are required for the completion of the RIMLS PhD program. You can obtain EC points either via compulsory components or elective components, which you can tailor to your individual needs e.g. through following or teaching courses, attending conferences or presenting you work at conferences.
    European Credits (EC) are primarily meant to quantify transferable skills and competencies learnt. As such work placements spent in other laboratories do not count for EC points. One EC equates to 28 hours of study.

    Belowa standardized number of points awarded per course by using specific examples. This is by no mean an exhaustive list of possibilities. Totals should be rounded up/down as appropriate. For your portfolio, group similar events together per year.

    Overview guidelines for EC points.

  • What are the requirements for a thesis?

    See for the requirements of a doctoral thesis here.

    What contributions can I expect for thesis printing costs?

    The maximum reimbursem*nt is 2,200 Euro for each PhD candidate.

    For further details, please consult the time-line for graduating PhD candidates or go to www.ru.nl/phd.

  • What does the PhD Council do?

    • Taking responsiblity for PhD program design, evaluation, and policy
    • MonitoringthePhD mentor system
    • Approving training and supervision plans
    • Organizing general components
    • Approving elective components
    • Providing a link between PhDcandidates and the RIMLS management
    • Organizing social events

    How can I join the PhD Council?

    You would be very welcome to join the PhD Council. You can send an email tothe RIMLS Graduate School.

FAQ RIMLS PhD program (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.