If I have time, I'll gather my Sengoku Basara 4 information here as a reference guide. News and article translations will remain on my main blog; this summary is just for the main menus and system details for the game itself. More detailed explanations of everything in the list can be found on the main blog.
This is currently a work in progress. Unlike my usual posts this one will be updated periodically. Please note that as this blog entry became too long for Blogger I have moved the later chapters to a second post.
The Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi additions are in a separate guide here.
Levelling Up
The Basara-ya Shop
DLC (Downloadable Content)
Weapon Enhancement
Weapon Fusion
Play Books
Character Profiles: Playable Characters
Character Profiles: Non-Playable Characters
Fugitive Bingo
Enemy Formations
Sengoku Basara 4 (release date 23rd January 2014) is a PS3 game, billed as allowing the player to assist in the creation of a brand new Sengoku period Japan. The setting can be considered a parallel world to the earlier games in the series; it's designed to go right back to the beginning so newcomers can play without any prior knowledge, while the characters retain some of the development from their earlier adventures. It is not a prequel. At the start of the game, boss Ashikaga Yoshiteru starts the Sengoku period by deciding to relinquish his power as shogun; the rest of the story is down to the player. No English-language version has been announced at this time.
NavigationThe very first time you start the game, you'll be shown a screen which explains auto-save (now on by default) and, if you have any saves from Sengoku Basara 3, Sengoku Basara 3 Utage or Sengoku Basara HD Collection on your PS3, a screen which presents you with some consumable items as a gift. Thereafter the game will ask you whether you want to check for updates to the Online Basara-ya shop each time you play; it doesn't matter which option you pick.
After pressing Start to begin the game, you'll reach the Mode Select screen. It includes Manual, the Online Basara-ya Shop, Sengoku Creation mode (the interactive story mode which contains the main gameplay), Free Battle mode, Gallery and Settings. I have annotated the picture to show the order in which the modes appear.
Sengoku Creation is the main gameplay mode this time, available for single players and two people playing cooperatively. After choosing your character from the list, you'll be asked whether you want to begin a new game or continue from your previous progress in Sengoku Creation mode. If you have previously cleared Sengoku Creation mode as the character you picked, you may see another option at the bottom. This lets you jump straight to the point in the game where you can pick your route: Creation, Drama or Anime. Only three characters have Anime routes, and some characters only have a Creation route.
You'll also be offered a choice of difficulties with the easier ones on top. There are four options: Normal, Hard, Extreme and Basara. The Extreme and Basara difficulties will not appear until you have cleared the final stage of Sengoku Creation mode in Hard and Extreme difficulties respectively.
Next, the main 'march' screen will come up. This is where you pick your next battle and also configure your gameplay.
I've noted that there's a sale running in the Basara-ya shop (indicated by the red ticket over its name). If there's a 'special deal' instead of a sale, the shop icon will look like this:
The main menu is on the left of the screen, with your stage selection at the top. Most of the rest is self-explanatory, so I'll go through the less obvious parts in detail.
Pressing Square takes you to the rewards area where you can see what the prizes are for victory on your chosen stage. The different ranks depend on your actions in the battle; please see the separate section of this guide for more details. The ranks are shown on the left side.
Some stages have a fugitive (otazunemono) icon above their name. This means that one of the fugitives for the 'fugitive bingo' books is hidden there somewhere.
Next, here's the mid-battle pause screen.
If you pick Controller Settings, these are your options.
Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots available for the main Settings page from the Mode Select screen when you launch the game. Here's a text-only translation of all of the options by popular demand.
- Environment Configuration
- BGM Volume
- Effects Volume
- Voice Volume
- HP Gauge Display
- Automatic Guide Skip (the help screens which pop up telling you about the missions on certain stages)
- Controller Configuration
- Exactly like the screenshot above. The options for Guard Button are Guard Priority (the default) or Dodge Priority.
- Shortcut Configuration
- Here you can assign shortcuts to the D-pad. By default, nothing is assigned and you can use the D-pad for movement. The list of shortcuts is:
- Switch your ultimate technique (R2) - forwards in the list
- Switch your ultimate technique (R2) - backwards in the list
- Battle comrade orders
- Tag to your partner
- Activate Maximum Style mode
Note: When you leave the menu, pick the leftmost option to save your changes otherwise they'll revert.
The next screen is what you're shown after each battle. You can see that the top rank is greyed out; the player didn't do well enough to earn that prize this time.
Note: An inrou is a traditional box, shown as a floating gold object in the screenshots.
It's possible to pick up an item called an 'Inrou of Enhancement' during battle which adds experience points to a stock that you keep with you as you play. You can split this stored experience between characters however you like.
To spend your stored experience points, select Character Levelling from the Battle Preparation screen. Here's an annotated version.
Next, here's a screenshot of the Character Levelling interface.
Once a character has reached level 50, tag mode will be unlocked and a special red/blue tag icon will be visible. You can tag to your partner by pressing the R3 button (pushing down on the right joypad stick) during battle.
The Basara-ya ShopYou can go to the Basara-ya shop from the march screen and purchase items with the money you've obtained in-game. Some weapons come with enhancements already applied; others can be enhanced with the weapon system. The shop sells enhancement items and Play Books as well as equipment.
At times, there are special sales in the shop. Sales marked in red are discounts, while those marked in green are rare 'special deal' items which are only available at certain times.
The shop has various sections you can browse, so this is what the next menu apparently looks like.
Next, the shop itself. I merged two different pictures together to show how the sale items and special deals appear.
DLC (Downloadable Content)The Online Basara-ya shop links you to the Japanese PSN store. You can also go to the store and search for the items outside the game; it's just a shortcut. Please note that there are two stores with content from Sengoku Basara 4 - the Japanese PSN and Hong Kong - so it may be worthwhile checking both to see where the DLC is cheapest. You don't need to play the game on the account which originally downloaded the DLC to your PS3, but if you have a DLC code you have to redeem it on an account from the correct region.
Although I've used the same naming system as in the rest of this guide for consistency, it seems that the Hong Kong PSN store has official English names for each of the DLC packs too. AdawgDaFAB has checked and posted a list. Items with a cost of "Free*" are currently limited to fans who purchased a first press edition of the game or through a particular store; they'll be offered on PSN for a fee later on for everyone else.
Name | Description | Type | Released | Cost (JP ¥) |
武将アバター | PSN avatars for all 32 playable characters (individual) | PSN avatar | 09/01/2014 | 100 each |
武将アバターパック(32武将セット) | PSN avatars for all 32 playable characters (complete set) | PSN avatar | 09/01/2014 | 800 |
戦国BASARA 4 | Sengoku Basara 4 (the full game) | Game | 23/01/2014 | 6,990 |
伊達政宗 特別衣装 DMCダンテ Ver. | Date Masamune (DMC Dante version) | Costume | 23/01/2014 | 300 |
戦国BASARAシリーズ名曲集【 全70曲セット 】コンプリートパック | Classic Sengoku Basara series music collection complete set (70 tracks) | Music pack | 23/01/2014 | 1,500 |
プレイヤー武将全解放 | Unlock all playable characters | Boost | 23/01/2014 | 200 |
戦国スターターパック | Sengoku Starter Pack (100 pieces of tamahagane steel, 10,000 whetstones, 750,000 ryou in cash and 450,000 xp for your Inrou box) | Boost | 23/01/2014 | 300 |
創世スターターパック | Creation Starter Pack (30 pieces of tamahagane steel, 3,000 whetstones, 250,000 ryou in cash and 150,000 xp for your Inrou box) | Boost | 23/01/2014 | 100 |
小判(甲)パック・1 | Money Pack (A) 1-6 (each contains 500,000 ryou in cash) | Boost | 23/01/2014 | 300 |
小判(乙)パック・1 | Money Pack (B) 1-6 (each contains 100,000 ryou in cash) | Boost | 23/01/2014 | 100 |
小判お試しパック《無料配信》 | Money Sample Pack (contains 6,000 ryou in cash) | Boost | 23/01/2014 | Free |
強化印籠(甲)パック・1 | Inrou of Enhancement Pack (A) 1-6 (each contains 300,000 xp for your Inrou box) | Boost | 23/01/2014 | 300 |
強化印籠(乙)パック・1 | Inrou of Enhancement Pack (B) 1-6 (each contains 60,000 xp for your Inrou box) | Boost | 23/01/2014 | 100 |
強化印籠お試しパック《無料配信》 | Inrou of Enhancement Sample Pack (contains 6,000 xp for your Inrou box) | Boost | 23/01/2014 | Free |
「極」銘付き&高レアリティ武器(全32種) | Weapons with high Rarity and Extreme Inscriptions for all 32 playable characters (individual) | Boost | 30/01/2014 | 150 each |
「極」銘付き&高レアリティ武器パック(32武将セット) | Weapons with high Rarity and Extreme Inscriptions for all 32 playable characters (complete set) | Boost | 30/01/2014 | 1,600 |
戦国BASARA4 カスタムテーマ(全32種) | Sengoku Basara 4 custom themes for all 32 playable characters (individual) | PS3 theme | 06/02/2014 | 100 each |
戦国BASARA4 カスタムテーマパック(32武将セット) | Sengoku Basara 4 custom themes for all 32 playable characters (complete set) | PS3 theme | 06/02/2014 | 800 |
戦国BASARA -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】 | Classic Sengoku Basara music collection (10 tracks) | Music pack | 06/02/2014 | 400 |
戦国BASARA2 -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】 | Classic Sengoku Basara 2 music collection (10 tracks) | Music pack | 06/02/2014 | 400 |
戦国BASARA2 英雄外伝 -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】 | Classic Sengoku Basara 2 Eiyuu Gaiden (Heroes) music collection (10 tracks) | Music pack | 06/02/2014 | 400 |
戦国BASARA X -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】 | Classic Sengoku Basara X music collection (10 tracks) | Music pack | 13/02/2014 | 400 |
戦国BASARA BH&CH -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】 | Classic Sengoku Basara Battle Heroes/Chronicle Heroes music collection (10 tracks) | Music pack | 13/02/2014 | 400 |
戦国BASARA3 -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】 | Classic Sengoku Basara 3 music collection (10 tracks) | Music pack | 20/02/2014 | 400 |
戦国BASARA3 宴 -名曲集- 【厳選10曲セット】 | Classic Sengoku Basara 3 Utage music collection (10 tracks) | Music pack | 20/02/2014 | 400 |
伊達政宗 特別衣装 袴&木刀Ver. | Date Masamune (hakama/wooden sword version) | Costume | 27/02/2014 | 300 |
徳川家康 特別衣装 学園バサラ Ver. | Tokugawa Ieyasu (Gakuen Basara version) | Costume | 27/02/2014 | 300 |
井伊直虎 特別衣装 ウエディングVer. | Ii Naotora (wedding version) | Costume | 27/02/2014 | 300 |
島左近 特別衣装 双刀功夫Ver. | Shima Sakon (twin sword kung fu version) | Costume | 27/02/2014 | 300 |
真田幸村 特別衣装 蒼竜Ver. | Sanada Yukimura (azure dragon version) | Costume | 27/02/2014 | 300 |
柴田勝家 特別衣装 絶対正義Ver. | Shibata Katsuie (absolute justice version) | Costume | 27/02/2014 | 300 |
石田三成 特別衣装 DMCバージルVer. | Ishida Mitsunari (DMC Vergil version) | Costume | 27/02/2014 | 300 |
立花宗茂 特別衣装 ジャンボザビーくんVer. | Tachibana Muneshige (Jumbo Xavi-kun version) | Costume | 27/02/2014 | Free |
武将追加衣装 7武将セット | Set of 7 'former preorder DLC' costumes | Costume | 27/02/2014 | 1,500 |
Sengoku Basara fan Gakupo has provided a full list of the music tracks in the first collection. It's very likely that the sets of 10 tracks being released in February 2014 will contain the same music.
If you purchase all of the DLC costumes, you'll be able to download and use the スペシャルカスタムテーマ, a free custom theme for your PS3 with twelve different monthly pictures.
Weapon EnhancementThis game introduces three new consumable items which can be used to upgrade your weapons in different ways.
Whetstones are a basic upgrade which raises one of the weapon's five core stats: attack, defence, Basara gauge, hit points or fighting spirit (your resistance to being staggered and having your guard broken). First you pick the stat you want to raise, then you choose the number of whetstones you want to use. Whetstones can be purchased in the Basara-ya Shop for 50 ryou.
Fortune hammers increase one of a weapon's stats at random. There are three tiers: a blessing (equivalent to 10 whetstones or 2 pieces of tamahagane steel), a middle blessing (equivalent to 50 whetstones or 5 pieces of tamahagane steel) or a great blessing (equivalent to 150 whetstones or 15 pieces of tamahagane steel). According to a simple test in Weekly Famitsu magazine, the chances of receiving each tier are approximately 71% for a blessing, 26% for a middle blessing and 3% for a great blessing. Fortune hammers can be purchased in the Basara-ya Shop for 2,000 ryou.
Tamahagane steel is used to level weapons up by increasing their 'Rarity' rating, shown by the number of stars underneath each weapon. When a weapon reaches a new level, you'll be able to increase its stats farther than before and it may be possible to attach additional Inscriptions.
Rarity level (stars) | Maximum stats | Inscription slots | Steel required |
1 | 300 | 2 | 0 |
2 | 600 | 3 | 3 |
3 | 900 | 4 | 10 |
4 | 1,200 | 5 | 30 |
5 | 1,500 | 6 | 50 |
Tamahagane steel can be purchased in the Basara-ya Shop for 3,000 ryou during a 'special deal'.
You can access Weapon Enhancement through the Basara-ya Shop using the menu screens above, or by going to Battle Preparation → Equip Weapon then pressing R1 once to switch screens. You can see which screen you're in by checking the navigation in the top left corner.
This next one looks intimidating but it's just a matter of learning the layout. Square controls the weapon's Rarity level, which affects its maximum stats. Triangle boosts stats by random amounts using your stock of fortune hammers, while the Circle button lets you increase individual stats with your stock of whetstones.
Weapon Fusion
To add Inscriptions to your weapons, you need to use the Weapon Fusion system. It can be found in the same menu as Weapon Enhancement above. First, choose your weapon from the list as usual. The blue label means the weapon is equipped, the yellow label means you're performing the synthesis on that weapon (I'm calling it the 'base weapon'), and the red label is used for the weapon you're using as raw materials for the upgrade. Here's the first Weapon Fusion screen from the video with text annotations in English.
When you've picked the weapon you want to use as your 'raw material', you're taken to the main Weapon Fusion screen. You can move Inscriptions from the 'raw material' weapon to the one you're upgrading.
Selecting a slot which already has an Inscription gives the message 'Discard'. Be careful you don't do this unless you want to reclaim that slot!
Once you're done, you can press Triangle to complete the fusion, destroying the 'raw material' weapon in the process. Each upgrade has a cost, and you have to pay the total price when the button is pressed.
InscriptionsYou can view the table of Inscriptions by pressing R2 when you're in the shop or on the main battle preparation screen, or straight from the Weapon Enhancement menu above.
Update: Tumblr user letterblade has kindly compiled all of the key information into a spreadsheet which might be useful to people who can't read Japanese. Meanwhile, Daviziu in the comments section put together a clickable chart for people who just want to quickly check what each Inscription does.
I've given each individual Inscription a number in this diagram:
To accompany it, here's the list. The Types are:
- Normal (Grey/Black): Obtained as a battle reward.
- Enhanced (Grey/Blue): Obtained as a battle reward or by enhancing a Normal inscription with Extreme.
- Fusion (Gold/Black): Obtained as a battle reward or by fusing two inscriptions (see additional table below).
- Enhanced Fusion (Gold/Red): Obtained as a battle reward, or by enhancing/fusing two inscriptions (see additional table below).
- Special (Green): These are obtained at random by using the Change inscription on any other. Treasured Sword is the one exception as it can be found on weapons received as battle rewards.
- Special (Brown): There's only one inscription in this category, Rust. It's randomly obtained by using the Change inscription on any other.
- Extreme (Blue): Used to enhance basic inscriptions. Obtained as a battle reward.
- Change (Light Blue): Used for creating the Special inscriptions. Obtained as a battle reward.
Fan AdawgDaFAB noticed that opening the R2 screen during weapon enhancement makes it very easy to check you have selected the correct Inscriptions as they'll be highlighted with red and yellow markers. Here's the list:
# | Type | Name | Translation | Effect | Stackable? |
1 | Normal | 体力 | Stamina | Grants +100 HP | Yes |
2 | Normal | 打力 | Striking Force | Grants +150 attack power | Yes |
3 | Normal | 守力 | Protection | Grants +150 defense | Yes |
4 | Normal | 根性 | Willpower | Makes attacks less likely to stagger you | Yes |
5 | Normal | 堅固 | Solid | Makes it harder for enemies to break your guard | Yes |
6 | Normal | 反能 | Counter-skilled | Makes it easier to parry attacks | Yes |
7 | Normal | 防崩 | Break Defense | Makes it easier to break the enemy's guard | Yes |
8 | Normal | 達人 | Expert | Increases your critical hit chance | Yes |
9 | Normal | 痛打 | Crushing Blow | Increases the damage dealt by critical hits | Yes |
10 | Normal | 小粋 | Stylish | Extends the duration of your Maximum Style effect | Yes |
11 | Normal | 生粋 | Genuine | Increases your attack power during Maximum Style by +250 | Yes |
12 | Normal | 道出 | Source | Your attacks have a chance of producing an elemental effect | Yes |
13 | Normal | 道力 | Dynamic | Increases the attack power of your elemental effects | Yes |
14 | Normal | 鬼刃 | Demon Blade | For each of these inscriptions equipped, your attack power increases by +1 for each enemy you defeat; the maximum increase is +1000 | Yes |
15 | Normal | 必力 | Assured Power | Increases the attack power of your Basara and Giga Basara techniques | Yes |
16 | Normal | 必重 | Weighty | Grants +1 hit count for Basara and Giga Basara techniques | Yes |
17 | Normal | 美味 | Tasty | Increases the potency of healing items | Yes |
18 | Normal | 盗食 | Food Thief | You recover HP when you perform a 'desertion' dodge | Yes |
19 | Normal | 吸血 | Bloodsucking | You recover HP when you defeat an enemy | Yes |
20 | Normal | 休息 | Rest | Your HP gradually recovers when guarding | Yes |
21 | Normal | 活性 | Active | Your Basara gauge will fill partly when you recover from incapacitation | Yes |
22 | Normal | 早起 | Early Riser | Increases the speed at which you recover from incapacitation | Yes |
23 | Normal | 悪童 | Naughty Brat | Increases the amount by which your Basara gauge refills when you perform a taunt | Yes |
24 | Normal | 純粋 | Pure Style | Increases the rate at which your Style gauge refills | Yes |
25 | Normal | 無粋 | No Style | Your Style gauge will refill when you receive damage from enemies | Yes |
26 | Normal | 粋狂 | Eccentric | Your Style gauge will automatically refill when you are in near-death status | Yes |
27 | Normal | 砕石 | Stone Breaker | Grants a chance that whetstones will appear upon breaking an enemy's armour | Yes |
28 | Normal | 収金 | Collection | You receive 3 ryou (money) for each enemy you defeat | Yes |
29 | Normal | 経験 | Experience | You receive 20% more experience points when you defeat an enemy | Yes |
30 | Normal | 稽古 | Training | You receive 200 experience points in your Inrou for each successful parry | Yes |
31 | Normal | 拾得 | Find | Increases the chance that an item will appear when you break an object | Yes |
32 | Enhanced | 体力(極) | Stamina (Extreme) | Grants +200 HP | Yes |
33 | Enhanced | 打力(極) | Striking Force (Extreme) | Grants +300 attack power | Yes |
34 | Enhanced | 守力(極) | Protection (Extreme) | Grants +300 defense | Yes |
35 | Enhanced | 根性(極) | Willpower (Extreme) | Makes attacks less likely to stagger you (greater effect) | Yes |
36 | Enhanced | 堅固(極) | Solid (Extreme) | Makes it harder for enemies to break your guard (greater effect) | Yes |
37 | Enhanced | 反能(極) | Counter-skilled (Extreme) | Makes it easier to parry attacks (greater effect) | Yes |
38 | Enhanced | 防崩(極) | Break Defense (Extreme) | Makes it easier to break the enemy's guard (greater effect) | Yes |
39 | Enhanced | 達人(極) | Expert (Extreme) | Increases your critical hit chance (greater effect) | Yes |
40 | Enhanced | 痛打(極) | Crushing Blow (Extreme) | Increases the damage dealt by critical hits (greater effect) | Yes |
41 | Enhanced | 小粋(極) | Stylish (Extreme) | Extends the duration of your Maximum Style effect (greater effect) | Yes |
42 | Enhanced | 生粋(極) | Genuine (Extreme) | Increases your attack power during Maximum Style by +500 | Yes |
43 | Enhanced | 道出(極) | Source (Extreme) | Increases the chance of your attacks having an elemental effect (greater effect) | Yes |
44 | Enhanced | 道力(極) | Dynamic (Extreme) | Increases the attack power of your elemental effects (greater effect) | Yes |
45 | Enhanced | 鬼刃(極) | Demon Blade (Extreme) | For each of these inscriptions equipped, your attack power increases by +2 for each enemy you defeat; the maximum increase is +1000 | Yes |
46 | Enhanced | 必力(極) | Assured Power (Extreme) | Increases the attack power of your Basara and Giga Basara techniques (greater effect) | Yes |
47 | Enhanced | 必重(極) | Weighty (Extreme) | Grants +2 hit count for Basara and Giga Basara techniques | Yes |
48 | Enhanced | 美味(極) | Tasty (Extreme) | Increases the potency of healing items (greater effect) | Yes |
49 | Enhanced | 盗食(極) | Food Thief (Extreme) | You recover HP when you perform a 'desertion' dodge (greater effect) | Yes |
50 | Enhanced | 吸血(極) | Bloodsucking (Extreme) | You recover HP when you defeat an enemy (greater effect) | Yes |
51 | Enhanced | 休息(極) | Rest (Extreme) | Your HP gradually recovers when guarding (greater effect) | Yes |
52 | Enhanced | 活性(極) | Active (Extreme) | Your Basara gauge will fill partly after recovery from incapactiation (greater effect) | Yes |
53 | Enhanced | 早起(極) | Early Riser (Extreme) | Increases the speed at which you recover from incapacitation (greater effect) | Yes |
54 | Enhanced | 悪童(極) | Naughty Brat (Extreme) | Increases the amount by which your Basara gauge refills when you perform a taunt (greater effect) | Yes |
55 | Enhanced | 純粋(極) | Pure Style (Extreme) | Increases the rate at which your Style gauge refills (greater effect) | Yes |
56 | Enhanced | 無粋(極) | No Style (Extreme) | Your Style gauge will refill when you receive damage from enemies (greater effect) | Yes |
57 | Enhanced | 粋狂(極) | Eccentric (Extreme) | Your Style gauge will automatically refill when you are in near-death status (greater effect) | Yes |
58 | Enhanced | 砕石(極) | Stone Breaker (Extreme) | Grants a chance that whetstones will appear upon breaking an enemy's armour (greater effect) | Yes |
59 | Enhanced | 収金(極) | Collection (Extreme) | You receive 6 ryou (money) for each enemy you defeat | Yes |
60 | Enhanced | 経験(極) | Experience (Extreme) | You receive 40% more experience points when you defeat an enemy | Yes |
61 | Enhanced | 稽古(極) | Training (Extreme) | You receive 400 experience points in your Inrou for each successful parry | Yes |
62 | Enhanced | 拾得(極) | Find (Extreme) | Increases the chance that an item will appear when you break an object (greater effect) | Yes |
63 | Extreme | 極 | Extreme | Enhances Inscriptions | - |
64 | Fusion | 剛力 | Tremendous Strength | Grants +150 attack power and makes it easier to break the enemy's guard | Yes |
65 | Fusion | 頑丈 | Sturdy | Grants +100 HP and +150 defense | Yes |
66 | Fusion | 会心 | Critical | Increases your critical hit chance and the damage dealt by critical hits | Yes |
67 | Fusion | 鉄身 | Iron Body | Grants +150 defense and makes attacks less likely to stagger you | Yes |
68 | Fusion | 六道 | Six Realms | Your attacks have a chance of producing an elemental effect and the attack power of your elemental effects is increased | Yes |
69 | Fusion | 粋華 | Stylish Elegance | Extends the duration of your Maximum Style effect and increases your attack power during Maximum Style by +250 | Yes |
70 | Fusion | 妖刃 | Bewitched Blade | For each of these inscriptions equipped, your attack power increases by +1 for each enemy you defeat; the maximum increase is +1000. In addition, you recover HP when you defeat an enemy | Yes |
71 | Fusion | 必殺 | Deathblow | Increases the attack power of your Basara and Giga Basara techniques and grants them +1 hit count | Yes |
72 | Fusion | 剣劇 | Sword Play | Makes it easier to trigger and win Sword Clashes with enemy commanders, and victories deal more damage to the enemy | Yes |
73 | Fusion | 特訓 | Intensive Training | You receive 20% more experience points and 10% of the experience points are put in your Inrou of Enhancement when you defeat an enemy | Yes |
74 | Fusion | 怪盗 | Phantom Thief | The prize for defeating 100 enemies becomes either a small Ebisu barrel (HP + Basara) or a treasure box. Stacking this inscription improves the item in the treasure box | Yes |
75 | Fusion | 食歴 | Career | Picking up rice balls or holy water also grants +250 experience points, while Ebisu barrels grant +500 experience points | Yes |
76 | Fusion | 天恵 | Heavenly Blessing | Whetstones and dangerous items appear when you reach Fever. Stacking this inscription makes more items appear | Yes |
77 | Fusion | 無頼 | Thug | Enemy attacks no longer stagger you when taunting, and the amount by which your Basara gauge refills when you perform a taunt is increased. In addition, your Style gauge will fill slightly | Yes |
78 | Fusion | 生命 | Life | Your HP gradually recovers over time | Yes |
79 | Fusion | 奇跡 | Miracle | Grants a chance that damage received from enemies will be nullified, and that you will recover from incapacitation | Yes |
80 | Fusion | 逆上 | Frenzy | Grants +250 attack power when near death, and your Style gauge will fill slightly each time you go into near-death status | Yes |
81 | Enhanced Fusion | 剛力(極) | Tremendous Strength (Extreme) | Grants +300 attack power and makes it easier to break the enemy's guard | Yes |
82 | Enhanced Fusion | 頑丈(極) | Sturdy (Extreme) | Grants +200 HP and +300 defense | Yes |
83 | Enhanced Fusion | 会心(極) | Critical (Extreme) | Increases your critical hit chance and the damage dealt by critical hits (greater effect) | Yes |
84 | Enhanced Fusion | 鉄身(極) | Iron Body (Extreme) | Grants +300 defense and makes attacks less likely to stagger you | Yes |
85 | Enhanced Fusion | 六道(極) | Six Realms (Extreme) | Your attacks have a chance of producing an elemental effect and the attack power of your elemental effects is increased (greater effect) | Yes |
86 | Enhanced Fusion | 粋華(極) | Stylish Elegance (Extreme) | Extends the duration of your Maximum Style effect and increases your attack power during Maximum Style by +500 | Yes |
87 | Enhanced Fusion | 妖刃(極) | Bewitched Blade (Extreme) | For each of these inscriptions equipped, your attack power increases by +2 for each enemy you defeat; the maximum increase is +1000. In addition, you recover HP when you defeat an enemy | Yes |
88 | Enhanced Fusion | 必殺(極) | Deathblow (Extreme) | Increases the attack power of your Basara and Giga Basara techniques and grants them +2 hit count | Yes |
89 | Enhanced Fusion | 特訓(極) | Intensive Training (Extreme) | You receive 40% more experience points and 10% of the experience points are put in your Inrou of Enhancement when you defeat an enemy | Yes |
90 | Enhanced Fusion | 怪盗(極) | Phantom Thief (Extreme) | The prize for defeating 100 enemies becomes either a large Ebisu barrel (HP + Basara) or a deluxe treasure box. Stacking this inscription improves the item in the treasure box | Yes |
91 | Enhanced Fusion | 食歴(極) | Career (Extreme) | Picking up rice balls or holy water also grants +500 experience points, while Ebisu barrels grant +1000 experience points | Yes |
92 | Enhanced Fusion | 天恵(極) | Heavenly Blessing (Extreme) | Tamahagane steel, whetstones and dangerous items appear when you reach Fever. Stacking this inscription makes more items appear | Yes |
93 | Enhanced Fusion | 無頼(極) | Thug (Extreme) | Enemy attacks no longer stagger you when taunting, and the amount by which your Basara gauge refills when you perform a taunt is increased. In addition, your Style gauge will fill slightly (greater effect) | Yes |
94 | Enhanced Fusion | 生命(極) | Life (Extreme) | Your HP gradually recovers over time (greater effect) | Yes |
95 | Enhanced Fusion | 奇跡(極) | Miracle (Extreme) | Grants a chance that damage received from enemies will be nullified, and that you will recover from incapacitation (greater effect) | Yes |
96 | Enhanced Fusion | 逆上(極) | Frenzy (Extreme) | Grants +500 attack power when near death, and your Style gauge will fill slightly each time you go into near-death status | Yes |
97 | Special | 重々 | Over and Over | Grants +1 hit count and extends the time before resetting your combo count | Yes |
98 | Special | 空舞 | Sky Dance | Grants +1 hit count when attacking in the air | Yes |
99 | Special | 陣取 | Encampment | Increases damage dealt to camp commanders and grants +1 hit count upon destroying an enemy base | Yes |
100 | Special | 俊速 | Superbly Quick | Increases movement speed | Yes |
101 | Special | 軽技 | Acrobatics | Reduces damage taken and you automatically recover when knocked away by an attack | Yes |
102 | Special | 宝刀 | Treasured Sword | Receive an additional 10,000 ryou when weapon disassembly is performed | Yes |
103 | Special | 忍耐 | Endurance | When you take damage, you will receive a proportional amount of experience points | Yes |
104 | Special | 必死 | Certain Death | Your Basara Gauge will fill more than usual when attacking enemies | Yes |
105 | Special | 同体 | As One Body | Healing items you pick up will also restore a set amount of your battle comrade's hit points | Yes |
106 | Special | 打札 | A Card Played | Increases damage dealt to enemies by 1.5x | Yes |
107 | Special (Brown) | さび | Rust | Reduces damage dealt to enemies | Yes |
108 | Change | 変 | Change | Changes a weapon's inscription randomly during weapon fusion, though the weapon may Rust afterwards | - |
Certain types of Inscription can be placed on top of others to boost them when you're performing Weapon Fusion. The video shows the 'Extreme' Inscription being added to a basic type, making it stronger. The game divides these combinations into 'Enhanced' and 'Fusion' categories depending on whether you use the Extreme inscription to create them or fuse two others.
Some Inscriptions can be created in more than one way but none require combining more than two others. Here's a table with the combinations shown so far.
# | Name | Translation | Created With | Combines With |
1 | 体力 | Stamina | - | Protection (3), Extreme (63) |
2 | 打力 | Striking Force | - | Break Defense (7), Extreme (63) |
3 | 守力 | Protection | - | Stamina (1), Willpower (4), Extreme (63) |
4 | 根性 | Willpower | - | Protection (3), Extreme (63) |
5 | 堅固 | Solid | - | Rest (20), Extreme (63) |
6 | 反能 | Counter-skilled | - | Extreme (63) |
7 | 防崩 | Break Defense | - | Striking Force (2), Extreme (63) |
8 | 達人 | Expert | - | Crushing Blow (9), Weighty (16), Extreme (63) |
9 | 痛打 | Crushing Blow | - | Expert (8), Extreme (63) |
10 | 小粋 | Stylish | - | Genuine (11), Extreme (63) |
11 | 生粋 | Genuine | - | Stylish (10), Extreme (63) |
12 | 道出 | Source | - | Dynamic (13), Extreme (63) |
13 | 道力 | Dynamic | - | Source (12), Extreme (63) |
14 | 鬼刃 | Demon Blade | - | Bloodsucking (19), Extreme (63) |
15 | 必力 | Assured Power | - | Weighty (16), Extreme (63) |
16 | 必重 | Weighty | - | Expert (8), Assured Power (15), Extreme (63) |
17 | 美味 | Tasty | - | Food Thief (18), Extreme (63) |
18 | 盗食 | Food Thief | - | Tasty (17), Extreme (63) |
19 | 吸血 | Bloodsucking | - | Demon Blade (14), Extreme (63) |
20 | 休息 | Rest | - | Solid (5), Extreme (63) |
21 | 活性 | Active | - | Early Riser (22), Extreme (63) |
22 | 早起 | Early Riser | - | Active (21), Extreme (63) |
23 | 悪童 | Naughty Brat | - | No Style (25), Extreme (63) |
24 | 純粋 | Pure Style | - | Extreme (63) |
25 | 無粋 | No Style | - | Naughty Brat (23), Eccentric (26), Extreme (63) |
26 | 粋狂 | Eccentric | - | No Style (25), Extreme (63) |
27 | 砕石 | Stone Breaker | - | Collection (28), Extreme (63) |
28 | 収金 | Collection | - | Stone Breaker (27), Extreme (63) |
29 | 経験 | Experience | - | Training (30), Find (31), Extreme (63) |
30 | 稽古 | Training | - | Experience (29), Extreme (63) |
31 | 拾得 | Find | - | Experience (29), Extreme (63) |
32 | 体力(極) | Stamina (Extreme) | Stamina (1) + Extreme (63) | Protection (Extreme) (34) |
33 | 打力(極) | Striking Force (Extreme) | Striking Force (2) + Extreme (63) | Break Defense (Extreme) (38) |
34 | 守力(極) | Protection (Extreme) | Protection (3) + Extreme (63) | Stamina (Extreme) (32), Willpower (Extreme) (35) |
35 | 根性(極) | Willpower (Extreme) | Willpower (4) + Extreme (63) | Protection (Extreme) (34) |
36 | 堅固(極) | Solid (Extreme) | Solid (5) + Extreme (63) | Rest (Extreme) (51) |
37 | 反能(極) | Counter-skilled (Extreme) | Counter-skilled (6) + Extreme (63) | - |
38 | 防崩(極) | Break Defense (Extreme) | Break Defense (7) + Extreme (63) | Striking Force (Extreme) (33) |
39 | 達人(極) | Expert (Extreme) | Expert (8) + Extreme (63) | Crushing Blow (Extreme) (40) |
40 | 痛打(極) | Crushing Blow (Extreme) | Crushing Blow (9) + Extreme (63) | Expert (Extreme) (39) |
41 | 小粋(極) | Stylish (Extreme) | Stylish (10) + Extreme (63) | Genuine (Extreme) (42) |
42 | 生粋(極) | Genuine (Extreme) | Genuine (11) + Extreme (63) | Stylish (Extreme) (41) |
43 | 道出(極) | Source (Extreme) | Source (12) + Extreme (63) | Dynamic (Extreme) (44) |
44 | 道力(極) | Dynamic (Extreme) | Dynamic (13) + Extreme (63) | Source (Extreme) (43) |
45 | 鬼刃(極) | Demon Blade (Extreme) | Demon Blade (14) + Extreme (63) | Bloodsucking (Extreme) (50) |
46 | 必力(極) | Assured Power (Extreme) | Assured Power (15) + Extreme (63) | Weighty (Extreme) (47) |
47 | 必重(極) | Weighty (Extreme) | Weighty (16) + Extreme (63) | Assured Power (Extreme) (46) |
48 | 美味(極) | Tasty (Extreme) | Tasty (17) + Extreme (63) | Food Thief (Extreme) (49) |
49 | 盗食(極) | Food Thief (Extreme) | Food Thief (18) + Extreme (63) | Tasty (Extreme) (48) |
50 | 吸血(極) | Bloodsucking (Extreme) | Bloodsucking (19) + Extreme (63) | Demon Blade (Extreme) (45) |
51 | 休息(極) | Rest (Extreme) | Rest (20) + Extreme (63) | Solid (Extreme) (36) |
52 | 活性(極) | Active (Extreme) | Active (21) + Extreme (63) | Early Riser (Extreme) (53) |
53 | 早起(極) | Early Riser (Extreme) | Early Riser (22) + Extreme (63) | Active (Extreme) (52) |
54 | 悪童(極) | Naughty Brat (Extreme) | Naughty Brat (23) + Extreme (63) | No Style (Extreme) (56) |
55 | 純粋(極) | Pure Style (Extreme) | Pure Style (24) + Extreme (63) | - |
56 | 無粋(極) | No Style (Extreme) | No Style (25) + Extreme (63) | Naughty Brat (Extreme) (54), Eccentric (Extreme) (57) |
57 | 粋狂(極) | Eccentric (Extreme) | Eccentric (26) + Extreme (63) | No Style (Extreme) (56) |
58 | 砕石(極) | Stone Breaker (Extreme) | Stone Breaker (27) + Extreme (63) | Collection (Extreme) (59) |
59 | 収金(極) | Collection (Extreme) | Collection (28) + Extreme (63) | Stone Breaker (Extreme) (58) |
60 | 経験(極) | Experience (Extreme) | Experience (29) + Extreme (63) | Training (Extreme) (61), Find (Extreme) (62) |
61 | 稽古(極) | Training (Extreme) | Training (30) + Extreme (63) | Experience (Extreme) (60) |
62 | 拾得(極) | Find (Extreme) | Find (31) + Extreme (63) | Experience (Extreme) (60) |
63 | 極 | Extreme | - | Can be combined with many other Inscriptions |
64 | 剛力 | Tremendous Strength | Striking Force (2) + Break Defense (7) | Extreme (63) |
65 | 頑丈 | Sturdy | Stamina (1) + Protection (3) | Extreme (63) |
66 | 会心 | Critical | Expert (8) + Crushing Blow (9) | Extreme (63) |
67 | 鉄身 | Iron Body | Protection (3) + Willpower (4) | Extreme (63) |
68 | 六道 | Six Realms | Source (12) + Dynamic (13) | Extreme (63) |
69 | 粋華 | Stylish Elegance | Stylish (10) + Genuine (11) | Extreme (63) |
70 | 妖刃 | Bewitched Blade | Demon Blade (14) + Bloodsucking (19) | Extreme (63) |
71 | 必殺 | Deathblow | Assured Power (15) + Weighty (16) | Extreme (63) |
72 | 剣劇 | Sword Play | Expert (8) + Weighty (16) | - |
73 | 特訓 | Intensive Training | Experience (29) + Training (30) | Extreme (63) |
74 | 怪盗 | Phantom Thief | Stone Breaker (27) + Collection (28) | Extreme (63) |
75 | 食歴 | Career | Tasty (17) + Food Thief (18) | Extreme (63) |
76 | 天恵 | Heavenly Blessing | Experience (29) + Find (31) | Extreme (63) |
77 | 無頼 | Thug | Naughty Brat (23) + No Style (25) | Extreme (63) |
78 | 生命 | Life | Solid (5) + Rest (20) | Extreme (63) |
79 | 奇跡 | Miracle | Active (21) + Early Riser (22) | Extreme (63) |
80 | 逆上 | Frenzy | No Style (25) + Eccentric (26) | Extreme (63) |
81 | 剛力(極) | Tremendous Strength (Extreme) | Tremendous Strength (64) + Extreme (63) OR Striking Force (Extreme) (33) + Break Defense (Extreme) (38) | - |
82 | 頑丈(極) | Sturdy (Extreme) | Sturdy (65) + Extreme (63) OR Stamina (Extreme) (32) + Protection (Extreme) (34) | - |
83 | 会心(極) | Critical (Extreme) | Critical (66) + Extreme (63) OR Expert (Extreme) (39) + Crushing Blow (Extreme) (40) | - |
84 | 鉄身(極) | Iron Body (Extreme) | Iron Body (67) + Extreme (63) OR Protection (Extreme) (34) + Willpower (Extreme) (35) | - |
85 | 六道(極) | Six Realms (Extreme) | Six Realms (68) + Extreme (63) OR Source (Extreme) (43) + Dynamic (Extreme) (44) | - |
86 | 粋華(極) | Stylish Elegance (Extreme) | Stylish Elegance (69) + Extreme (63) OR Stylish (Extreme) (41) + Genuine (Extreme) (42) | - |
87 | 妖刃(極) | Bewitched Blade (Extreme) | Bewitched Blade (70) + Extreme (63) OR Demon Blade (Extreme) (45) + Bloodsucking (Extreme) (50) | - |
88 | 必殺(極) | Deathblow (Extreme) | Deathblow (71) + Extreme (63) OR Assured Power (Extreme) (46) + Weighty (Extreme) (47) | - |
89 | 特訓(極) | Intensive Training (Extreme) | Intensive Training (73) + Extreme (63) OR Experience (Extreme) (60) + Training (Extreme) (61) | - |
90 | 怪盗(極) | Phantom Thief (Extreme) | Phantom Thief (74) + Extreme (63) OR Stone Breaker (Extreme) (58) + Collection (Extreme) (59) | - |
91 | 食歴(極) | Career (Extreme) | Career (75) + Extreme (63) OR Tasty (Extreme) (48) + Food Thief (Extreme) (49) | - |
92 | 天恵(極) | Heavenly Blessing (Extreme) | Heavenly Blessing (76) + Extreme (63) OR Experience (Extreme) (60) + Find (Extreme) (62) | - |
93 | 無頼(極) | Thug (Extreme) | Thug (77) + Extreme (63) OR Naughty Brat (Extreme) (54) + No Style (Extreme) (56) | - |
94 | 生命(極) | Life (Extreme) | Life (78) + Extreme (63) OR Solid (Extreme) (36) + Rest (Extreme) (51) | - |
95 | 奇跡(極) | Miracle (Extreme) | Miracle (79) + Extreme (63) OR Active (Extreme) (52) + Early Riser (Extreme) (53) | - |
96 | 逆上(極) | Frenzy (Extreme) | Frenzy (80) + Extreme (63) OR No Style (Extreme) (56) + Eccentric (Extreme) (57) | - |
97 | 重々 | Over and Over | Change (108) + any other | - |
98 | 空舞 | Sky Dance | Change (108) + any other | - |
99 | 陣取 | Encampment | Change (108) + any other | - |
100 | 俊速 | Superbly Quick | Change (108) + any other | - |
101 | 軽技 | Acrobatics | Change (108) + any other | - |
102 | 宝刀 | Treasured Sword | Change (108) + any other | - |
103 | 忍耐 | Endurance | Change (108) + any other | - |
104 | 必死 | Certain Death | Change (108) + any other | - |
105 | 同体 | As One Body | Change (108) + any other | - |
106 | 打札 | A Card Played | Change (108) + any other | - |
107 | さび | Rust | Change (108) + any other | - |
108 | 変 | Change | - | Can be combined with any other Inscription |
I've mentioned the flat, rectangular items you can receive as rewards or buy from the in-game shop a few times now and they appear to be called Play Books or Game Books. In this case I'm going with the former for my translations since the word 'game' is used a lot elsewhere.
In the bottom left of the main march screen is a section labelled Play Settings which you can access by pressing L1. This will take you to your Play Books, allowing you to set up to three of them in the slots below. It looks as though they'll work like the accessories did in the previous games and you can build up a stock of them from the shop and battle rewards.
Here's a list of the regular, consumable play books and their effects. The icon column refers to the marker to the left of each Book's name on the screen.
Update: Someone has now created a much better list with pictures at the Sengoku Basara fan wiki. I recommend checking it out.
Name | Translation | Effect | Cost | Icon |
敵兵治癒 | Enemy Soldier Recovery | Enemies gradually regain their hit points, but if victorious you receive a 200% bonus to money earned. | 8,000 | ! |
敵体力倍増 | Double Enemy Hit Points | Enemy hit points are doubled, but you receive a 50% increase to your performance evaluation. | 8,000 | ! |
ばくち打ち | Gamble | Grants a +4 bonus to money acquisition, but your funds halve whenever you take damage. | 8,000 | ! |
捨て身の覚悟 | Resolve to Risk Your Life | P1 and your battle comrade (P2) gain 4x attack power, but take 4x more damage from enemies. | 8,000 | ! |
五分五分 | Fifty-Fifty | Damage received from enemies is halved, but you only receive half of the rewards after the battle. | 5,000 | ! |
小判転化 | Money Conversion | All experience points and Inrou boxes from defeated enemies become money, but you will be unable to gain experience or add it to your Inrou during the battle. | 10,000 | ! |
印籠あつめ | Gather Inrou | The rice balls you receive during battle become Inrou experience instead. | 10,000 | ! |
手数重視 | Emphasis on Hassle | The attack power of P1 and your battle comrade (P2) is halved, but attacking enemies grants +2 hit count. | 8,000 | ! |
背水の導き | Backwater Guidance | You start the battle in near-death status and gain 3x attack power when you're near death. | 8,000 | ! |
初陣のとき | First Campaign | P1 and your battle comrade (P2) start the battle at level 1, and experience earned goes into your Inrou. You also receive a 50% increase to your performance evaluation. | 8,000 | ! |
大将殺し | Slayer of Generals | Doubles your attack power when fighting an enemy commander. | 10,000 | Helmet |
体力倍増 | Double Hit Points | Grants double hit points to P1 and your battle comrade (P2). | 3,000 | Helmet |
会心乱発 | Random Criticals | Triples the chance that P1 and your battle comrade (P2) will score critical hits. | 8,000 | Helmet |
粋早々 | Quick Style | Your Style gauge fills twice as quickly, but the duration of your Maximum Style mode is halved. | 10,000 | Helmet |
お尋ね者探し | Fugitive Hunting | Displays the position of fugitives on the map. If there are no fugitives, this book has no effect. | 5,000 | Helmet |
気力満々 | Full of Energy | You start battle with MAX Style and Basara gauges. | 10,000 | Helmet |
砲台名手 | Turret Expert | The attack power of weapon systems is increased and it becomes harder for them to overheat. In addition, the time taken to recover from overheating is reduced. | 3,000 | Helmet |
鋼のからだ | Steel Body | Enemy attacks will not stagger you. | 8,000 | Helmet |
免許皆伝 | Complete Mastery | You start the battle with access to all of your special moves and unique abilities. In addition, they'll all be at maximum level and have slightly raised attack power. | 10,000 | Helmet |
一度だけの復活 | One-time Resurrection | When either P1 or your battle comrade (P2) is incapacitated, they'll instantly be brought back to life once. | 15,000 | Helmet |
Different types of Play Book allow you to pick your music and dialogue options. You can equip up to three different music books and three different dialogue books at a time to affect the background music and the way that soldiers speak to you mid-game. This annotated screenshot shows the interface.
The music Play Books are red and look like this:
Here's the list (not including DLC):
Name | Description | Unlock Requirements | Cost |
伊達政宗のテーマ | Date Masamune's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Date Masamune | 10,000 |
石田三成のテーマ | Ishida Mitsunari's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Ishida Mitsunari | 10,000 |
島左近のテーマ | Shima Sakon's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Shima Sakon | 10,000 |
柴田勝家のテーマ | Shibata Katsuie's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Shibata Katsuie | 10,000 |
真田幸村のテーマ | Sanada Yukimura's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Sanada Yukimura | 10,000 |
徳川家康のテーマ | Tokugawa Ieyasu's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Tokugawa Ieyasu | 10,000 |
井伊直虎のテーマ | Ii Naotora's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Ii Naotora | 10,000 |
山中鹿之介のテーマ | Yamanaka Shikanosuke's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Yamanaka Shikanosuke | 10,000 |
後藤又兵衛のテーマ | Gotou Matabee's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Gotou Matabee | 10,000 |
前田慶次のテーマ | Maeda Keiji's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Maeda Keiji | 10,000 |
右目の誓い | Katakura Kojuurou's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Katakura Kojuurou | 10,000 |
The Abyss 織田信長のテーマ | Oda Nobunaga's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Oda Nobunaga | 10,000 |
松永久秀のテーマ | Matsunaga Hisahide's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Matsunaga Hisahide | 10,000 |
豊臣秀吉のテーマ | Toyotomi Hideyoshi's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Toyotomi Hideyoshi | 10,000 |
竹中半兵衛のテーマ | Takenaka Hanbee's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Takenaka Hanbee | 10,000 |
浅井長政のテーマ | Azai Nagamasa's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Azai Nagamasa | 10,000 |
天より降る魔 | Oichi's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Oichi | 10,000 |
長宗我部元親のテーマ | Chousokabe Motochika's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Chousokabe Motochika | 10,000 |
毛利元就のテーマ | Mouri Motonari's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Mouri Motonari | 10,000 |
武田信玄のテーマ | Takeda Shingen's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Takeda Shingen | 10,000 |
猿飛佐助のテーマ | Sarutobi Sasuke's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Sarutobi Sasuke | 10,000 |
上杉謙信のテーマ | Uesugi Kenshin's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Uesugi Kenshin | 10,000 |
かすがのテーマ | Kasuga's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Kasuga | 10,000 |
前田利家のテーマ | Maeda Toshiie's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Maeda Toshiie | 10,000 |
花鳥風月 | Matsu's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Matsu | 10,000 |
大谷吉継のテーマ | Ootani Yoshitsugu's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Ootani Yoshitsugu | 10,000 |
最上義光のテーマ | Mogami Yoshiaki's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Mogami Yoshiaki | 10,000 |
本多忠勝のテーマ | Honda Tadakatsu's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Honda Tadakatsu | 10,000 |
雑賀孫市のテーマ | Saika Magoichi's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Saika Magoichi | 10,000 |
鶴姫のテーマ | Tsuruhime's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Tsuruhime | 10,000 |
小早川秀秋のテーマ | Kobayakawa Hideaki's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Kobayakawa Hideaki | 10,000 |
天海のテーマ | Tenkai's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Tenkai | 10,000 |
黒田官兵衛のテーマ | Kuroda Kanbee's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Kuroda Kanbee | 10,000 |
大友宗麟のテーマ | Ootomo Sourin's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Ootomo Sourin | 10,000 |
立花宗茂のテーマ | Tachibana Muneshige's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Tachibana Muneshige | 10,000 |
島津義弘のテーマ | Shimazu Yoshihiro's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Shimazu Yoshihiro | 10,000 |
風魔小太郎のテーマ | Fuuma Kotarou's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Fuuma Kotarou | 10,000 |
京極マリアのテーマ | Kyougoku Maria's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Kyougoku Maria | 10,000 |
足利義輝のテーマ | Ashikaga Yoshiteru's theme | Clear a stage after defeating Ashikaga Yoshiteru | 10,000 |
Count ZERO | The game's opening song | Clear Sengoku Creation mode with a male character | 100,000 |
Runners high | The game's ending song | Clear Sengoku Creation mode with a female character | 100,000 |
In contrast, the dialogue Books are green and look like this:
Here's a list of the dialogue books spotted so far (the final two cannot both be equipped at the same time):
Name | Translation | Effect | Cost |
ごますり棒 | Flattery Rod | Allied soldiers flatter you. | 20,000 |
ハゲましかつら | Wig of Encouragement | Allied soldiers gently cheer you on to raise your spirits. | 40,000 |
直江無敵状 | Naoe Invincibility | Naoe Kanetsugu boasts about his own invincibility. | 60,000 |
奥州特攻目安箱 | "Oushuu Special Attack" Suggestion Box | Listen to the popular Sengoku radio show during battle. | 100,000 |
戦国BAR 乱世 | Sengoku Bar: Turbulent Times | A Sengoku-era oasis frequented by soldiers exhausted from war. | 200,000 |
Here's a list of every confirmed stage in Sengoku Basara 4 so far. To see the bonus objectives which reward extra rank points, please check the Rank section of this guide. The final game was described as having more than 40 stages (the V Jump guide lists 39 stages with 3 additional variants and 24 one-on-one battles).
Stage | Japanese Name | Battlefield | Enemy Commander | Sub-Bosses |
Aki: Itsukushima | 安芸・厳島 | Aki | Mouri Motonari | Tsuruhime |
Azuchi-Shiten Gathering | 安土四天結集 | Azuchi Castle | Ashikaga Yoshiteru, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Oda Nobunaga | - |
Battle of Sekigahara: Eastern Sun | 関ヶ原の戦い 東陽 | Sekigahara | Tokugawa Ieyasu | Honda Tadakatsu, Date Masamune, Shibata Katsuie |
Battle of Sekigahara: Western Shadow | 関ヶ原の戦い 西陰 | Sekigahara | Ishida Mitsunari | Ootani Yoshitsugu, Sanada Yukimura, Shima Sakon |
Bizen: Ujou (Okayama Castle) | 備前・烏城 | Bizen: Ujou (Okayama Castle) | Kobayakawa Hideaki | Tenkai |
Dewa: Mogamigawa | 出羽・最上川 | Dewa | Mogami Yoshiaki | - |
Echizen: Kitanoshou Castle | 越前・北ノ庄城 | Echizen: Kitanoshou Castle | Shima Sakon, Shibata Katsuie | Date Masamune, Ishida Mitsunari |
Eiroku Palace: Resolution | 永禄の宮 英断 | Eiroku Palace | Ashikaga Yoshiteru | Matsunaga Hisahide, Fuuma Kotarou |
Eiroku Palace: Samsara | 永禄の宮 輪廻 | Eiroku Palace | Ashikaga Yoshiteru | Shimazu Yoshihiro, Ootomo Sourin, Tachibana Muneshige |
Floating Fortress: Tenkuu Nichirin | 浮遊要塞・天空日輪 | Fugaku | Mouri Motonari | - |
Hinomoto Tunnels: Josui Line | 日ノ本穴道・如水線 | Hinomoto Tunnels | Kuroda Kanbee | - |
Incident at Honnouji | 本能寺の変 | Honnouji | Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide | - |
Iyokouno Ship: Tsurunomaru | 伊予河野船 鶴の丸 | Iyokouno Ship | Tsuruhime | Saika Magoichi |
Izumo: Shiraga Castle | 出雲・白鹿城 | Izumo: Shiraga Castle | Yamanaka Shikanosuke | - |
Kaga Border: Shizugatake | 加賀国境・賤ヶ岳 | Shizugatake | Maeda Keiji, Maeda Toshiie, Matsu | - |
Kaga Onsen: Gathering Of Maidens | 加賀温泉・乙女の集い | Kaga | Ii Naotora, Kyougoku Maria | Tsuruhime, Saika Magoichi |
Kaga: Maeda Kabuki-Matsuri | 加賀・前田花吹祭 | Kaga | Maeda Keiji | Maeda Toshiie, Matsu |
Kai Takeda Grudge Time | 甲斐武田恨み節 | Kai | Sanada Yukimura, Ii Naotora | Sarutobi Sasuke |
Kai: Tsutsujigasaki Yakata | 甲斐・躑躅ヶ崎館 | Kai | Takeda Shingen | Sanada Yukimura, Sarutobi Sasuke |
Kawanakajima: Takeda Battle Formation | 川中島・武田布陣 | Kawanakajima | Takeda Shingen | Sanada Yukimura, Sarutobi Sasuke |
Kawanakajima: Uesugi Battle Formation | 川中島・上杉布陣 | Kawanakajima | Uesugi Kenshin | Kasuga, Naoe Kanetsugu |
Kawanakajima: Uesugi Battle Formation (Matabee Intrusion) | 川中島・上杉布陣(又兵衛乱入) | Kawanakajima | Uesugi Kenshin, Gotou Matabee | Kasuga, Naoe Kanetsugu |
Mikawa: Komaki-Nagakute | 三河・小牧長久手 | Mikawa | Tokugawa Ieyasu | Honda Tadakatsu |
Mikawa: Komaki-Nagakute (Matabee Intrusion) | 三河・小牧長久手(又兵衛乱入) | Mikawa | Tokugawa Ieyasu, Gotou Matabee | Honda Tadakatsu |
Oda: Azuchi Castle | 織田・安土城 | Azuchi Castle | Oda Nobunaga | Shibata Katsuie |
Ootomo Xavi Land: Closed | 大友ザビーランド 閉園中 | Ootomo Xavi Land | Ootomo Sourin, Sunday Mouri | Gallop Tachibana, Chesuto Shimazu, Joe C Kuroda, Bambi Shikanosuke |
Ootomo Xavi Land: Grand Opening | 大友ザビーランド 開園 | Ootomo Xavi Land | Ootomo Sourin | Tachibana Muneshige |
Osaka: Dragon-Tiger Formation | 大阪・竜虎の陣 | Osaka | Date Masamune, Sanada Yukimura | Katakura Kojuurou, Sarutobi Sasuke |
Osaka: Toyotomi Hajou | 大阪・豊臣覇城 | Osaka | Toyotomi Hideyoshi | Takenaka Hanbee, Ishida Mitsunari, Ootani Yoshitsugu, Shima Sakon |
Oumi: Sawayama Castle | 近江・佐和山城 | Sawayama Castle | Ishida Mitsunari | Ootani Yoshitsugu, Shima Sakon |
Oushuu: Aoba Castle | 奥州・青葉城 | Oushuu | Date Masamune | Katakura Kojuurou |
Oushuu: Aoba Castle (Matabee Intrusion) | 奥州・青葉城(又兵衛乱入) | Oushuu | Date Masamune, Gotou Matabee | Katakura Kojuurou |
Pirate Fortress: Hyakki Fugaku | 海賊要塞・百鬼富嶽 | Fugaku | Chousokabe Motochika | Saika Magoichi |
Remains of Ounin: Ginga | 応仁の跡 吟芽 | Remains of Ounin | Ashikaga Yoshiteru | Kyougoku Maria, Azai Nagamasa, Oichi, Yamanaka Shikanosuke |
Remains of Ounin: Souden | 応仁の跡 走伝 | Remains of Ounin | Ashikaga Yoshiteru | Uesugi Kenshin, Mouri Motonari, Tsuruhime |
Satsuma: Inner Castle | 薩摩・内城 | Satsuma: Inner Castle | Shimazu Yoshihiro | - |
Shizugatake: Advance of the Oda Vanguard | 賤ヶ岳・織田尖兵進行 | Shizugatake | Shibata Katsuie | Akechi Mitsuhide |
Takeda Otoko Dojo | 武田漢道場 | Takeda Dojo | Takeda Shingen | - |
Tango: Sengenji | 丹後・泉源寺 | Tango | Kyougoku Maria | Azai Nagamasa, Oichi |
The Emperor: Granting An Audience | 帝 謁見ノ儀 | Remains of Ounin | Ashikaga Yoshiteru | - |
Tootoumi: Iinoya Castle | 遠江・井伊谷城 | Tootoumi | Ii Naotora | Honda Tadakatsu |
Toyotomi Reminiscence Struggle | 豊臣回顧闘争 | Tango | Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Matsunaga Hisahide | Takenaka Hanbee, Fuuma Kotarou, Maeda Keiji |
If you're wondering about the 'Type' column, stage types are a new mechanic introduced in this title. I'm not sure whether all stages are available in all five variations, so I thought it would be interesting to make a note of this information too.
Normal stages are the same as usual; fulfil the objectives and win the battle. I think most of the battles you'll fight in the first round of Sengoku Creation Mode will be like this. The newest video shows the rewards for a normal battle as the standard mix of weapons, money and enhancement materials.
Outbreaks have red backgrounds behind their names and suddenly appear depending on the actions taken by the armies in the game. They seem to be just like the special stages which traditionally appear mid-game depending on your performance. The rewards shown in the video looked similar to the normal ones only with some nicer enhancements on the weapons.
Omen battles appear on the map just like Outbreaks, except they have an ominous purple background. Going by the newest video, they reward the player with books and experience points. If you ignore an Omen battle it could change into another type.
The final type is a Derivation stage. These have a blue background, and a mixture of rewards.
The fifth and final type of encounter is a One-on-one match; a quick boss fight which is touted as being a good source of weapons. It appears that every single reward tier offers weapons, even the lowest rank.
The list of One-on-one stages is as follows (according to the V Jump strategy guide):
One-on-One Battle | Japanese Name | Stage | Appears | Enemy Commander |
Abrasion: The Beauty of Insufficiency | 研磨 不足の美 | Izumo: Shiraga Castle | - | Matsunaga Hisahide, Fuuma Kotarou |
Abrasion: The Beauty of Insufficiency | 研磨 不足の美 | Echizen: Kitanoshou Castle | - | Matsunaga Hisahide, Fuuma Kotarou |
Abrasion: The Beauty of Insufficiency | 研磨 不足の美 | Oda: Azuchi Castle | - | Matsunaga Hisahide, Fuuma Kotarou |
Apparition King: Time of the Demon King's Subjugation | 怪王 魔王討伐の刻 | Oda: Azuchi Castle | Shibata Katsuie (Drama Route) | Oda Nobunaga |
Awakening of the King of Misfortune | 凶王の目覚め | Oumi: Sawayama Castle | Shima Sakon (Anime Route) | Ishida Mitsunari |
Fate: One-Eyed Dragon | 宿命 独眼竜 | Kai Takeda Grudge Time | - | Date Masamune |
Fate: One-Eyed Dragon | 宿命 独眼竜 | Osaka: Dragon-Tiger Formation | - | Date Masamune |
Fate: One-Eyed Dragon | 宿命 独眼竜 | Shizugatake: Advance of the Oda Vanguard | - | Date Masamune |
Investigation: Shikanosuke | 探索 鹿之介 | Satsuma: Inner Castle | - | Yamanaka Shikanosuke |
Investigation: Shikanosuke | 探索 鹿之介 | Kaga: Maeda Kabuki-Matsuri | - | Yamanaka Shikanosuke |
Investigation: Shikanosuke | 探索 鹿之介 | Ootomo Xavi Land: Closed | - | Yamanaka Shikanosuke |
Investigation: Shikanosuke | 探索 鹿之介 | Aki: Itsukushima | Mouri Motonari (Drama Route) | Yamanaka Shikanosuke |
Jigen: Oni Shimazu | 示現 鬼島津 | Mikawa: Komaki-Nagakute | - | Shimazu Yoshihiro |
Jigen: Oni Shimazu | 示現 鬼島津 | Battle of Sekigahara: Western Shadow | - | Shimazu Yoshihiro |
Jigen: Oni Shimazu | 示現 鬼島津 | Aki: Itsukushima | - | Shimazu Yoshihiro |
Minstrel: Pale Blue Bellflower | 吟遊 水色桔梗 | Shizugatake: Advance of the Oda Vanguard | - | Akechi Mitsuhide |
Minstrel: Pale Blue Bellflower | 吟遊 水色桔梗 | Oumi: Sawayama Castle | - | Akechi Mitsuhide |
Minstrel: Pale Blue Bellflower | 吟遊 水色桔梗 | Dewa: Mogamigawa | - | Akechi Mitsuhide |
Minstrel: Pale Blue Bellflower | 吟遊 水色桔梗 | Oda: Azuchi Castle | Oda Nobunaga (Drama Route) | Akechi Mitsuhide |
Revenge: The Sword of the God of War | 復習 軍神の剣 | Oumi: Sawayama Castle | - | Kasuga |
Revenge: The Sword of the God of War | 復習 軍神の剣 | Battle of Sekigahara: Western Shadow | - | Kasuga |
Revenge: The Sword of the God of War | 復習 軍神の剣 | Echizen: Kitanoshou Castle | - | Kasuga |
Revenge: The Sword of the God of War | 復習 軍神の剣 | Kaga Onsen: Gathering Of Maidens | Maeda Keiji (Drama Route) | Kasuga |
Shima Sakon: Time of Creation | 島左近 誕生の刻 | Oumi: Sawayama Castle | Shima Sakon (Drama Route) | Ishida Mitsunari |
At certain points during a character's story, you might also see Drama Route or Anime Route encounters. They look very similar; Drama Routes are marked with a blue-edged scroll while Anime Routes use red.
This guide continues in part two!